Wednesday 8 April 2009

Spy Wednesday: behind the scenes

Today is the Wednesday of Holy Week, sometimes called 'Spy Wednesday', because it marks the day that Judas agreed to betray the Lord. Our cameras have been doing a little spying of their own, so this morning we feature a couple of behind the scenes pictures from inside Cathedral House. Above, hundreds of booklets are ready for the coming days, all of them having been folded and stapled by hand. There are booklets for the Chrism Mass, the Easter Triduum and Easter Masses. There are also sheets for the Liturgy of the Hours, most of which is celebrated publicly at the Cathedral over the next few days. There will be sung Vespers each day during the Easter Octave.

The Holy Oils have been removed from the Cathedral and taken to be burnt. The ampullae (seen above) have been cleaned and refilled with oil, ready for the new oils to be blessed by the Bishop tomorrow morning at the Chrism Mass (11:30am - all welcome).

The Chrism Mass also presents us with an opportunity to distribute items to parishes, and tomorrow no parish will be going home empty handed! After collecting the Holy Oils the priests will also be able to pick up tickets for the Mass marking the handover to Bishop Campbell (1st May) and parish resource packs which have been prepared by the Cathedral for the visit of St Thérèse later this year. The packs contain promotional materials and catechetical resources for parishes to use, and should be appearing across the Diocese over the next few weeks. You can find out more, and download many of the resources, on the new Thérèse blog (here) or on the Thérèse section of the Cathedral website (here).